Meditation on God and Gender

We believe in one God (Deut. 6:4). We believe this one God exists eternally as one Spirit, one Lord, one God (Eph. 4:4-6). We do not believe in three Gods. We believe the Father is God. We believe the Son, the Word, is God. We believe the Spirit, the Comforter, is God. The Father is God, but he is not the Son or the Spirit. The Son is God, but he is not the Father or the Spirit. The Spirit is God, but he is not the Father and he is not the Son. We believe three persons equal in glory eternally dwell in mutual majesty as one God. We believe in one God. And his name is Father. And his name is Son. And his name is Spirit.

We believe the eternal Son of God took on the likeness of sinful flesh and became the Son of Man. In signifying mystery, the Son of God was born of the Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit was not born of the Virgin Mary- though he conceived the Son of God within the womb of Mary by the will of the Father (Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:30-33). We believe Jesus, in complete and life-long submission to the will of the Father, was crucified for our sin under Pontius Pilate. The Father was not crucified. Through the Holy Spirit the Son of God offered himself to the Father for our purification (Heb. 9:14). We believe that only the Son was resurrected for our justification as only the Son was crucified. But we believe the same Spirt through whom the Father raised the Son will give life to our mortal bodies as well (Rom. 8:11).

Because God is one, all his work is one. Because the Father is not the Son or the Spirit he works in this way. Because the Son is not the Father or the Spirit he works in that way. Because the Spirit is not the Father or the Son he works in his way. This, that, and his, are one; but this, that, and his, are theirs.

The Father does not have less glory because he was not born of a Virgin. The Holy Spirit does not have less glory because he was not crucified under Pontius Pilate. The Son does not have less glory because he was made man to suffer for man’s sin.

The Father wills, the Son accomplishes, and the Spirit applies: God’s work is one. The Father, Son, and Spirit dwell in eternal love. A love free of envy. A love free of discord. A love free of embarrassment. A love embracing, supporting, and accomplishing individual actions within the one divine work.

When God made man, he said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen. 1:26). We may not know exactly what being made in the image and likeness of God entirely means, but we can certainly develop sound concepts from studying Scripture and creation.

So God created man in his own image,

    in the image of God he created him;

    male and female he created them.

The triune God created “man” in his image; creating “them” in his image and likeness: male and female. Himness is not maleness. Himness is maleness and femaleness. Himness is themness. Themness is likeness to and afterness of the image of God. God is not God without the Father or the Son or the Spirit. Man is not man without male and female. The image of God is not the likeness of God without male and female.

Is the female less because in pain she brings forth children? Is the male less because in pain he brings forth bread? Cursed together. Is the female more because the Redeemer is from her without a male? Is the male more because the Redeemer is male and not female? Blessed together. In Christ both are sons of God through the Spirit of adoption.

In the image and likeness of God the male rejoices in his masculinity and rejoices in the female’s femininity. In the image and likeness of God the female rejoices in her femininity and in the male’s masculinity.

God does not just command contentment and joy in differing roles, He exemplifies it. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit perform individual actions unique to each person which have no bearing on their unity in deity. Striving to live outside of God-appointed boundaries is the way of the adversary. From the beginning he was a liar energized by the creed, “I will.” Not content in his own rebellion, he has spread it unto man: male and female. The lie that male and female will find contentment outside of the roles God has assigned has found good ground and is now bearing abundant fruit.

Who will you believe? The God who made you; working in perfect differentiated unity? Or that old hiss that God is holding out on you; that there is a better way. You own way.